Этот долгожданный День Победы

Мама осталась навеки вдовой… После того, как главный редактор газеты The Bukharian Times Рафаэль Некталов поздравил всех участников торжества, посвященного Дню Победы над фашистской Германией, он обратился к присутствуюшим с просьбой вспомнить о том, что мы, дети той страшной войны, делали 9 мая 1945 года. Чем нам запомнился этот долгожданный День Победы?И я решила откликнуться.9 […]

Аркадий Аронов: Мы все – братья!

С 3 по 5 мая в Душанбе успешно прошёл Grand Slam Dushanbe – «Турнир Большого Шлема, Дзюдо – 2024», в котором приняли участие 390 спортсменов из 65 стран мира.Среди них был и прославленный тренер Олимпийской сборной США по дзюдо, обладатель Восьмого дана, основатель нью-йоркского спортивного клуба «Спартак» Аркадий Аронов. Он прилетел из Нью-Йорка в Таджикистан, […]

Welcome to Baku!

By Erin Levi «Welcome to Baku!» my editor-in-chief, Rafael Nektalov, said with a wide grin as we touched down at Heydar Aliyev International Airport. As soon as we deplaned, we — I, Rafael, and documentary filmmaker Ariel Roubinoff — were met with a woman holding a sign with our names, who then took us through […]

Young Bukharian Man Thwarts Carjackers in Wild Chase with NYPD

By Erin Levi A young Bukharian Jewish man from Queens found himself in a real-life action movie after his first date took a dangerous turn. Joseph Sadykov, 23, and his date were targeted by carjackers who stole his expensive BMW M5. But, according to the New York Post, Joseph wouldn’t give up without a fight.After […]

Texas A&M Football’s Unlikely Jewish ‘Star’

By Erin Levi Profiled by the New York Times’ Ari Wasserman on May 2nd, 2024, Sam Salz has defied the odds by becoming part of the Texas A&M Aggies football team, among the most competitive in the U.S.The unlikeliest of recruits, Salz, a devoutly Orthodox Jewish man from Philadelphia, who graduated from Kohelet Yeshiva High […]

«Exagoge»: World’s Oldest Jewish Play Reimagined

By Erin Levi A new immersive play about Passover titled «Exagoge» has just concluded its nearly 4-week run at La MaMa Experimental Theater Club in the East Village. The play is set during a seder and features an opera within a play, in which audience members are both actors and participants in the seder.The play […]

‘All About Kindness’ Sponsors Fundraiser for Ezras Nashim Queens Division

By Erin Levi Building on the foundation laid last year, renowned Bukharian Jewish charity «All About Kindness» joined forces with Judge «Ruchie» Freier, founder of Ezras Nashim, for an inspiring evening on April 7th, 2024. Ezras Nashim is the pioneering all-female Hatzalah (EMT corps) in the US, and Freier is also the first Hasidic New […]

Our Landmark DC Visit. Part II

Lunch at Congress «I hope your Congress functions better than our Congress,» quipped Brad Schneider, a self-deprecating representative from Illinois. It would be funny if it wasn’t true.Schneider (D-IL) was one of the seven Congressional Representatives who addressed us during our 2-hour lunch at the Capitol. Seth Moulton (D-MA), Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY), Don Bacon (R-NE), […]